This little beauty showed up at PAX. Imagine that Super Smash Bros and Metal Slug had a little mutated baby. That’s what you’re going to get with Crash Commando. It offers a side-scrolling experience for single player gaming and a party version reminiscent of Smash Bros. It focuses more on a plethora of weapons and explosives to tear apart the rich environment and obviously cause a whole bunch of gibs. It will be released on the PlayStation...
There’s some more screenshots and general news about Red Alert 3. The Allies were discussed in the latest interview. This balanced side will be considerably different than the Soviet or Rising Sun counterparts. There is already talk of amphibious battleships and black hole generators. Throw in plenty of planes, spies, and tanks and I think you have a good empire. It looks like everything is falling into place for this classic RTS. Read More →
Penny Arcade: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness – Episode Two isn’t just know for its big name. The sequel to their funny first episode should be a great addition to the budding series. There are already some new screenshots and story bits available. The scenes will include a wacky insane asylum, a posh gated community, and a science seminar. Should be plenty of craziness to go around. Read More →
This looks like an incredibly fun game. The game follows the struggles of Jason and his argonauts as they search for the Golden Fleece. The big part is the combat, which is surprisingly brutal. It will follow a more realistic style of combat where one’s position on the battlefield determines whether the slash is a decaptitating blow or a light scratch. Reviews so far state that it has a visceral quality to it that is quite refreshing. Throw...
There’s some new information about the role that space will play in the game. Everyone interested in this game probably knows the basics. You move through the stages from a single celled organism to a full-sized civilization. The space stage was never well elaborated though, other than the fact that you could terraform planets and spread out more. There’s finally some good news on that front. Statements in recent interviews state that...
This sounds like a fun little game for the consoles. It is an action series that features a witch fighting a bunch of evil angels with a bunch of guns, swords, and supernatural powers. I’m pretty much sold. The graphics from the early screenshots look amazing and they are promising persistant damage on the game’s bosses. It may just be another action game, but it sounds like it’s bringing some fun stuff to the table. Read More →
This new game may actually be a pleasant surprise. The development team has made several statements that they are moving away from being a GTA clone. The focus is now shifting to a mixture of strategy and action. They will be including total war screens as the “Don’s View” option. You can then use this screen to carry out individual missions to harm rival families and earn rewards for your own. It sounds like a really interesting...
This sequel looks like it could really step up and be amazing. The single player has been amped up a bit for more intense play, but they’re a little tight lipped about it for now. The good news comes from the multiplayer arena. There is a separate and full co-op campaign that can host up to eight players at a time. That pales in comparison to the multiplayer, which promises up to 60 people in multi-level maps. I hope that they can pull off Team...
There are some nice new screenshots and details released about this remake. If you didn’t new, it is a re-envisioned gamed based on Sid Meier’s original Colonization. It follows many visual aspects of the Civilization series, but it will be a stand-alone title. The gameplay is effectively a really cool and well thought out expansion pack. You play as one of the main nations colonizing the New World. You’ll found your colony and do...
Overlord and Overlord:Raising Hell were some of the most innovative games released last year. If you ever wondered what a dark, fantasy version of Pikmin would be like, just look at Overlord. I was personally a little worried. The project for the sequel seemed to have dropped off the face of the Earth until a peek at the features was just released. I have to say it looks really good. They really seem to be improving the minion play. The team is already...