Gears of War 2 Comparison Video

Gametrailers has put up a video comparing the GoW2 gameplay footage with gameplay from GoW. To me, the gameplay footage we are shown looks very similar to the original GoW. The original looks to be a little darker, and the animations such as the chainsaw deaths look better, but graphically, they look very similar.  Read More →

Doom 4 In Production, now help it along production

Today, ID software has confirmed that they are working on the next iteration of doom, but I’m guessing that they have some limited staff to tackle the project, because they are looking to hire new talent for it. Unfortuneatly I don’t have much in the way of details or anything like that other than the fact that it is in production. If you want details, hit up ID’s website, get a job, and then you tell me the details!  Read More →

Killzone 2 gameplay vids

Coming out of Sony Gamers day is some footage of an actual, in-game Killzone 2 footage in the wild! I can’t believe some real footage actually came out. And it looks damn good too, graphically at least. Killzone 2 footage  Read More →

Haze Demo Coming to PSN Next Week

Next week there will be some updates on the to the Playstation Store, and a Demo of the much-hyped FPS will be there sometime next week. Thank God too, I was getting sick of just hearing a bout the necter, now I want a Swig! Source Article  Read More →

Earthbound Coming to Wii Virtual Console?

The Official ESRB has a new old addition to it. The game is a little cult favorite called Earthbound. Oh, and it’s Profiled under the Wii section: “Title Publisher Rating Content Platforms EarthBound Nintendo of America E No Descriptors Wii” So could it be? Is this classic SNES RPG actually coming to the VC? Well lets hope so. I actually want to legally... 

This Month in EGM Rumors…

I was just perusing the newest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, and I checked out there monthly rumor section, which has some juicy tidbits in it. – First off, apparently, a new Halo prequel is supposedly going to be announced for <i>next</i> years holiday season. This game will apparently be a 3rd person action/adventure game and detail early fights between marines and covenant. – Bioshock is FINALLY getting a PS3 release sometime... 

Introducing Gameplay vids on MY GTA-Killer

I haven’t been very vocal on here about my disdain for GTA4. To me, it is over-hyped and more of the same, which is why i refuse to put out the dime-a-dozen, tiny pieces of info that every other website is infested with on that particular game. Instead, I’ve chosen to show more of this potentially amazing looking, bound-to-be-sleeper-hit-in-GTA4’s-wake game. Despite the lack of multi-player (rumor has it as comin in the form of DLC later on... 

New Prince of Persia Coming to 360, PS3 and PC

Ubisoft released a Teaser last week, and now an official announcement was given that a new entry into the series is coming sometime this year for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Not many details were given except that the Montreal Studio is where its being made, and that it will feature some kind of new visual style. Not much else is known. Prince of Persia Official Page, AKA Teaser  Read More →

New Street Fighter 4 Scan

It’s been a while since i showed off anything for this game, so I figured I would share this random magazine scan. The newest issue of the Japanese magazine shows off characters from the Capcom’s upcoming hit including M. Bison, Sagat, Vega and Balrog <img src=””>  Read More →

New Infinite Undiscovery Trailer, and more

Well, its a new translation, but I had to attract you somehow. The old trailer has been re-released with a translation. This comes after the official japanese site went live, but now an official english site is up too. Forever-Fantasy also hosts all the screenshots given too. You can download the new trailer from the official english site linked below. Official Japanese Site Official English Site Forever Fantasy’s Screenshot Section  Read More →

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