Gears of War 2 – Update

It seems that Gears of War 2 is moving along nicely.  There are plans a lot of new graphical upgrades in the game to prevent a realistic environment for your war games.  There is also some general talk about improving the single player to make the game capable of standing on its own two legs.  There is a stronger campaign that is basically just an excuse to kill stuff, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

The big talk so far is the multiplayer.  They are already teasing us with bits of information about several new multiplayer modes and features.  A modified capture the flag game has you capturing a wounded enemy and a new protect the leader sets you into defense and offense as you each try to kill the enemy’s general.  This will include the ability for cooler executions, the ability for wounded players to crawl away, and new guns with varying stopping power to prevent chainsaw rushes.

These certainly sound interesting.  Let’s hope their demonstrations at E3 match up with the hype.

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