New Street Fighter Game is Wildly Popular

We announced that a new Street Fighter game would be coming to the XBOX Live Marketplace. Well, as a follow up on that article, the game, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting has become by far the most popular Arcade game featured as part of the XBOX Live Marketplace Arcade Wednesday program.

The exact amount of details have not yet been released but within 24 hours of the game’s release, there were hundreds of matched being played every minute. The demo costs 800 XBOX Live Marketplace points or $10 and is far more popular than the game was back in the 90’s.

Once some exact numbers are released, we will keep you posted here at Video Game News. If you have a XBOX 360 and want to download Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, go to the XBOX Live Marketplace and make the purchase. The game can either be played in a one player mode, or you can challenge another player online.

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