THQ Announces that Sopranos Game will not come to the XBOX 360

The Godfather game has been very popular for all consoles including the XBOX 360, so I, like many others, find it strange that THQ has decided to not make the game of its newest mafia game based on the popular HBO TV series the Sopranos, not available on next generation console.

THQ announced today that the Soprano game it has been working on for the past few months will be available for the Playstation 2 only.

The game was being created by 7 Studios which ha made the game version of a number of popular movies including the Fantastic Four movie as well as a Pirates of the Caribbean adaptation and many others.

The exact reason remains unknown but the Chief Financial Officer for THQ cited that financial reasons might have been the cause of the decision not to create the game for the XBOX 360.

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